
How to Get Ready for Monsoon


When you think of the monsoon the first thought that comes to our mind is the cool breeze coming through our windows along with the long-awaited respite from the hot blazing sun. But, while bringing a pleasant and soothing climate it also brings with it a lot of health risks including bacterial and viral infections and mosquito-related diseases such as malaria and dengue.


Here is a list of measures you can take which will help in protecting your home from as many of these infections to the best of your ability.



1. Checking Your Wiring System

Power shortages and electric system malfunctioning occur a lot during the rains, you can keep these to a minimum by checking and fixing your wire system before the rain. Doing this makes your home safe from short-circuits and frequent power outages.


  1. Checking Your Plumbing and Drainage

The next problems we face during the monsoon is flooding and blockage of pipes. Check both your plumbing and drainage and fix if there are any blocks or faulty lines to ensure the free flow of water.


  1. Covering Your Outerspace

Covering your outer space including your terrace and balcony not only gives you protection from rain it also enables you to use your outer spaces to the fullest. A permanent or temporary shade/cover gives your home an aesthetically pleasing look and allows you to beautify the space with furniture and plants.

You can get in touch with us for more ideas 


  1. Making Sure Your Home is Mosquito Safe

The monsoon season usually brings with it mosquito-related diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. Mosquito-free homes help in keeping your family healthy and away from hospitals. 

Our tailor-made solutions with 10 types of screens and 14 types of fitments can help you mosquito-proof your homes in a better way.


  1. Rainproofing Your Windows and Balconies

When there is an excessive downpour, it constantly hits your balconies and windows damaging them in the process. There is also the risk of water leakage during the rains, all these can be avoided by covering your balconies and windows with proper outdoor screens and blinds.

You can take a look at our Balcozy to know more about the balcony screens.

Make use of these tips to protect your homes and enjoy the monsoon season by staying healthy and comfortable.


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